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What are the payment options?

On our site you can pay using the following methods:
- Mark
- Bonfico Banking
- Credit Card

For further information on how to pay you invitiamoh to view the information page Modalità di pagamento.

How do I know if a product is available?

The stock availability is indicated by the following:

- Limited Availability
In stock means that there is only one unit of that product. Make the purchase of this product does not warrant the purchase, as other users may have placed the order at the same time.

- Product not available
The product has an availability of stock equal to zero, and it is not possible to perform the order.

- Notify me when available
When a product is not available you can ask to be notified upon arrival in the warehouse of the desired product.

In the absence of such notice above, the product has a capacity of more than 1 in stock.

What are the delivery times?

For every purchase the goods will be shipped via GLS, with delivery times ranging dalle 24 alle 48 ore isole comprese after the order online.
In case of purchase by bank transfer will be necessary in order to process your order, wait for the receipt of payment on the account. This time varies depending on the institution issuing bank, and therefore may vary from 3 days to 6 working days.

Can I pay with a credit card

Sure. You can make payment through PayPal's secure servers.

Which credit cards can I use to pay?

You can pay by credit card, using cards issued by major banks.